Friday, May 2, 2014

My wife had Leukemia?!

No breaking news here - just one of those days where it hits me that my wife actually had Leukemia.  I was sitting here getting ready to send an email out to a bunch of bakers (people I work with in the industry) about an arcane labor issue and I got an automated call from her doctor to remind her that she has an appointment next Monday.  The caller ID only says "Cancer DR" and the appointment happens to be on May 5th, which is her birthday.  I sarcastically thought to myself, "Yay!  She gets to go to the cancer doctor on her birthday"...but you know what, it's better than the alternative.  She gets to go to her doctor on her birthday because she survived!  So yeah, it is something to be excited about.  :)

We still have a long road ahead, and while she is still having to take a ton of medications, she is getting better every day.  So we'll take it, and be excited to celebrate her 35th birthday next week!
